Pawlikowski holds commander's call at Robins AFB Published Jan. 19, 2017 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski, Air Force Materiel Command commander, speaks to members of Team Robins during her commander's call at the Museum of Aviation Century of Flight Hangar Jan. 18, 2017. During the commander's call, the general discussed the AFMC Strategic Plan, released in 2016, which established the following four goals: Increasing AFMC's agility in order to best support the Air Force enterprise; Bolstering trust and confidence of those AFMC serves; Driving cost-effectiveness into the capabilities the command provides; and, Recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse, high-performing and resilient team. In closing, the general told the audience, "Thanks for what you do. It makes me proud to be a part of Air Force Materiel Command."