AFMC promotes Strengthening Relationships campaign Published Sept. 25, 2014 By Greg Chadwick Air Force Materiel Command Wellness Support Center WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- During the month of October, Air Force Materiel Command will promote the Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships campaign. Healthy and caring relationships with family, friends, and significant others can give our lives immeasurable joy and meaning. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, qualities of a healthy relationship include: · Strong two-way communication · Commitment · Trust and support · Honesty and respect · Ability to laugh at self and the world · Appreciation and thoughtfulness · Willingness to compromise · Fighting fair when resolving conflict Some relationships may become strained and lead to communication meltdowns. When a family member or significant other has an emotional outburst, the hurtful words can scar and lead to resentment and bitterness. The ability to communicate and resolve conflict is at the core of any successful relationship. Think about your relationships and how you want them to be. If you are feeling distressed about a relationship, support is available through the following local installation helping agencies: · Family Advocacy Program · Military Family Life · Chapel · Military OneSource · Employee Assistance Program For more information regarding resources for strengthening relationships, visit, or contact your local Civilian Health Promotion Services team.