Aug. 13, 2024 Political activity Dos and Don’ts for Airmen, Guardians, DoD employees There are many opportunities for citizens to participate in the democratic process, but with this in mind, it is important to be aware of specific guidelines that apply to service members and federal employees on acceptable behavior.
April 25, 2024 Referral bonuses aim to help fill mission-critical vacancies The Air Force Materiel Command has implemented a referral bonus program to help bolster accessions for hard-to-fill vacancies across the command.
Feb. 27, 2023 DAF establishes policies to increase access to non-covered reproductive health care The DAF has issued guidance implementing DoD policies outlining privacy of command notification of pregnancy, administrative absence for non-covered reproductive health care and unit-funded travel for those seeking non-covered reproductive health care.
Feb. 27, 2023 DAF issues guidance on COVID-related adverse actions; Religious Accommodation Requests The Department of the Air Force has issued guidance on removal of adverse actions and handling of Religious Accommodation Requests related to refusal of COVID-19 vaccinations effective Feb. 24.
Aug. 16, 2022 DoD releases first departmentwide social media policy The Defense Department released a policy that spells out how DoD military and civilian personnel should use official social media accounts to best advance the mission of the U.S. military and further instill trust in the credibility of the DoD.
July 20, 2022 Air Force prepares for newly approved COVID-19 vaccine: Novavax provides new option for unvaccinated Airmen, Guardians The Air Force will soon have the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine available after the U.S Food and Drug Administration authorized it for emergency use and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention endorsed it as another primary series option for adults ages 18 years and older.
Sept. 21, 2020 Air Force improves lactation support for nursing mothers The updated policy, which is effective immediately, increases flexibility with lactation breaks and also mandates access to a refrigerator for the purpose of storing human milk.
April 6, 2020 Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.
April 1, 2020 Air Force releases grooming, fitness guidance during COVID-19 In a message to Airmen March 31, Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services, explained installation commanders have the authority to adjust standards as needed, while also encouraging Airmen to maintain grooming and fitness standards to the greatest
March 23, 2020 Air Force provides WAPS testing guidance Air Force officials announced that the Weighted Airman Promotion System testing is postponed through May 11.