Sept. 28, 2023 Department of the Air Force to Review Discharges of Veterans with Mental Health Conditions & Experiences of Sexual Trauma The DAF will also implement administrative reforms for individuals who apply to have their discharge statuses upgraded in the future.
Aug. 26, 2022 Air Force Wounded Warrior Program aids Airmen, Guardians Life for injured or wounded military personnel can be painful as they may think there’s no treatment for what they’re going through, however, the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program helps Airmen, Guardians and families get the resources they need.
Jan. 25, 2022 Invisible Wounds Initiative helps build a Supportive culture for Airmen, Guardians, and families through focused leadership The Command Team Campaign is a communications effort to increase knowledge and enable command teams to build connectedness, trust, and openness to tough conversations about cognitive, emotional, or behavioral conditions associated with trauma or adverse life events.
June 28, 2018 A peek behind the curtain: The first step of PTSD care Perhaps the most difficult part of seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder is making that first appointment, since Airmen are often unsure of what to expect.
June 16, 2018 Service dog rescues veteran from despair of PTSD (Part 2) Service dog Romeo guides Air Force veteran Ryan Kaono through days of living with PTSD. The dog's training makes it possible for Kaono to battle through extreme anxiety and night terrors caused by enemy attacks while deployed to Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia; and Balad Air Base, Iraq.