June 16, 2018 Service dog rescues veteran from despair of PTSD (Part 2) Service dog Romeo guides Air Force veteran Ryan Kaono through days of living with PTSD. The dog's training makes it possible for Kaono to battle through extreme anxiety and night terrors caused by enemy attacks while deployed to Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia; and Balad Air Base, Iraq.
June 16, 2018 Living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; a veteran's story (Part 1) For decades, Air Force veteran Ryan Kaono battled through anxiety and night terrors alone. During his second suicide attempt in 2010, something in him caused him to reach out for help which ultimately resulted in a formal diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This veteran and his family are
Feb. 16, 2017 AFSOC general returns to thank Robins maintainers, provides gunship tour As promised by the Air Force Special Operations Command vice commander, Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex C-130 sustainment workers toured the inside of an AC-130W gunship fully loaded with the latest modifications Feb. 9. Maj. Gen. Eugene Haase, AFSOC vice commander, and his crew brought the