Aug. 4, 2020 Community College of the Air Force reveals plans for new degree program The new Associate of Applied Science in Military Technology and Applied Sciences Management degree is a flexible alternative for enlisted personnel serving in Air Force specialties lacking enough formal skills training to meet current degree program requirements, said Dr. Hank Dasinger, the dean of
June 14, 2019 CCAF sets end date for Professional Manager Certification The program termination comes after the Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line has 31 civilian industry leadership and management professional certifications available to senior noncommissioned officers.
Jan. 15, 2019 CCAF no longer required for promotion Due to an update to the enlisted personnel handbook, an associate’s degree from the Community College of the Air Force is no longer required for promotions, however, master sergeants still have to keep education in mind for their enlisted performance reports. While the CCAF itself is no longer