June 30, 2023 AFCEC innovations get CSAF, CSO “Momentum” funding Two Air Force Civil Engineer Center innovation projects are getting a funding boost through the Chief of Staff for the Air Force and Chief of Space Operations Momentum Fund Fiscal Year 2023 awards.
June 2, 2020 AFVentures Fellowship forges connections between military, Silicon Valley The inaugural AFVentures Fellowship brought together 21 Airmen to be trained in investment and risk management to strengthen their ability to develop and deliver essential capabilities to the Air Force’s mission from February 10 to March 20.
Dec. 2, 2019 New Spark Cell aims to inspire innovation In hopes of driving a culture of innovation needed to prove the superiority of systems to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy, Arnold Engineering Development Complex leadership has started its own Spark Cell.The Spark program, started by AFWERX, is a grassroots innovation program that
Dec. 2, 2019 AEDC hopes to spark innovation with new program In hopes of driving a culture of innovation needed to prove the superiority of systems to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy, Arnold Engineering Development Complex leadership has started its own Spark Cell.The Spark program, started by AFWERX, is a grassroots innovation program that
May 3, 2019 Innovation spark cell holds share, connect workshop The 96th Test Wing innovation office spark cell holds a Share and Connect Workshop to promote a culture of innovation.
Dec. 18, 2018 AFWERX hosts Spark Cell workshop to share ideas, build innovation network Airmen from across the Air Force gathered in Austin Dec. 13 and 14 to learn about the Department of Defense’s innovation ecosystem and the best ways to plug into the overall culture of innovation at every level of the total force.