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Tag: L/R
  • ABMS signs more companies post onramp

    The most recent selections – the fourth round announced in as many months – support an ABMS acquisition strategy that spurs competition from a variety of traditional defense as well as commercial-focused sources and streamlines the contracting process to produce capability in roughly four month sprints.
  • Department of the Air Force awards contract for new ICBM system that enhances, strengthens US triad

    The contract award of $13.3 billion is an investment in enhancing the United States’ nuclear deterrence, as it is the cornerstone of national security policy and fundamental in continued protection for the U.S. and its allies.
  • DAF awards contract for first lot of F-15EX fighter aircraft

    The contract, awarded to Boeing, provides for the design, development, integration, manufacturing, test, verification, certification, delivery, sustainment and modification of F-15EX aircraft, including spares, support equipment, training materials, technical data and technical support.
  • AFCEC consolidates program to maximize lethality, readiness

    The Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration program uses agreements with eligible entities, like cities and land trusts, to cost share mutually beneficial land easements within priority impact areas.
  • DAF ACT contracting executes N95 mask production for DoD

    The Department of the Air Force’s Acquisition COVID-19 Task Force (DAF-ACT) executed a $126 million contract on May 1 for expanded production of N95 masks—26 million per month—starting in October. The contract, awarded to 3M, will increase the supply chain of N95 masks and resupply the Strategic National Stockpile following increased demand due to COVID-19.
  • AMC Airmen conduct historic first aeromedical evacuation mission using Transport Isolation System

    The aeromedical evacuation mission, REACH 725, marked the first operational use of the Transport Isolation System since its development during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and the first movement of COVID-19 positive patients aboard U.S. Air Force aircraft. AFIMSC 763rd Specialized Contracting Squadron worked behind the scenes to make sure TIS units were in place when needed. See related link for more information.
  • AFIMSC leans on technology to keep mission going

    Cancelled conferences, travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic aren’t getting in the way of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s global mission.
  • Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers

    To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.

Air Force News
