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Tag: von karman gas dynamics facility
  • Arnold AFB test teams maintain mission focus through COVID-19 constraints

    Most teams at Arnold Engineering Development Complex tasked with carrying out work critical to national security, for a period of time, did not have a full complement of personnel on hand.Precautions requiring adherence, such as team members maintaining a proper distance from one another and the use of personal protection equipment when this is not
  • VKF named in honor of von Kármán 60 years ago

    Sixty years ago, a test facility at Arnold Air Force Base was renamed in honor of the man who helped provide the blueprint that led to the construction of the now Arnold Engineering Development Complex headquartered at Arnold AFB.During an Oct. 30, 1959, ceremony, the Gas Dynamics Facility was dedicated as the von Kármán Gas Dynamics Facility, a
  • Woman’s visit to Arnold brings back memories of her family, childhood

    Touching an X-15 model in the A&E Lobby at Arnold Air Force Base, Annette Freres became emotional as she imagined her father doing the same decades earlier as an engineer working at Arnold.Freres recently had the opportunity to visit Arnold AFB, along with her daughter Michelle and high school friend Bob Hyde.Though she’s currently a resident of