Feb. 27, 2024 Exploring Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s modern-era formation (PODCAST) Historian Kevin Rusnak guides listeners through the post-Cold War environment and how it influenced AFLCMC’s creation.
Nov. 2, 2023 Commander prepares for retirement; looks back on career in chat with AFLCMC historian AFLCMC Commander Lt. Gen. Shaun Q. Morris looks back on a long and successful career.
Oct. 21, 2022 Parachute saves early test pilot One hundred years ago, a Type A parachute saved the life of Lt. Harold Harris - the first time a manually operated parachute saved the life of a pilot.
Oct. 29, 2019 AFMC history program recognized for excellence A complete overhaul of the focus, mission and vision of the Air Force Materiel Command History Office proved a complete success as they were recently named the recipients of the Air Force History and Museums Program’s Excellence in History Program Award, Major Command level, for 2019.