Jan. 22, 2024 AEDC team members mark completion of 16S honeycomb The designers of the 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel at Arnold Air Force Base recognized when their work began in the 1950s that continuous improvements to the test facility would eventually be needed to keep pace with advancements in technology that were sure to transpire over the ensuing
Feb. 25, 2022 Standard models provide beneficial data prior to customer tests in AEDC wind tunnels To validate the latest capabilities of the wind tunnels, Arnold Engineering Development Complex team members in the Aerodynamics Test Branch conducted testing last year on standard models in 16T and 16S, 16-foot transonic and supersonic wind tunnels, and Tunnels B and C, 50-inch hypersonic wind
Nov. 2, 2020 Upgrades bring the AEDC 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel nozzle back to life A $13 million dollar project to upgrade the nozzle drive motors for the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel, or 16S, at Arnold Air Force Base is complete as of early October.
Feb. 3, 2020 Arnold AFB craftsmen and others join to aid supersonic wind tunnel return to service The reactivation of the 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel at Arnold Air Force Base is on the horizon, and work continues behind the scenes to bring the dormant facility back to life.Craftsmen in the Arnold AFB Model and Machine Shop are being lauded for the creativity and cohesion that led to the