July 12, 2022 AEDC Spark Tank: Simulator allows for quicker identification of equipment issues The ability to recognize a problem early can save time, money and a lot of headaches.This is the purpose behind the Condition-Based Maintenance Fault Simulator, a tool that will soon be available to personnel at Arnold Air Force Base, the headquarters of Arnold Engineering Development Complex.The
Aug. 3, 2020 AEDC Team members use special motion camera to troubleshoot excessive vibrations The Condition-Based Maintenance team at Arnold Air Force Base has added a new tool to their bag of vibration analysis methods – a Motion Amplification Camera.As part of the CBM vibration program, readings are taken regularly from vibration sensors monitoring equipment in the Arnold Engineering
March 19, 2020 Arnold engineers implement Condition-Based Maintenance Wireless Network An innovative pilot project at Arnold Air Force Base is providing a potential solution to improving the condition-based maintenance, or CBM, program for Arnold Engineering Development Complex assets.In a unique industrial environment such as Arnold AFB, obtaining the necessary measurements for CBM