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Tag: Return to Full Capacity
  • Team AEDC adjusting to 'new normal'

    It has been more than two months since the second of the three-phase Return to Full Capacity took effect at Arnold Air Force Base, a point at which much of the workforce returned to the “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.During this time, Arnold Engineering Development Complex Commander Col. Jeffrey Geraghty has kept a close watch to
  • Hanscom AFB announces new Phase 2C, transition date

    Hanscom Air Force Base plans to move into Phase 2C of the multiphase Return to Full Capacity Aug. 31. Officials say the added phase will further bridge the gap between Phases 2B and 3, and will facilitate another expansion of installation access and available services.
  • Expanded Force Support Squadron services, facilities available in Phase 2B

    The 66th Force Support Squadron will be expanding services and facility availability as the installation transitions in Phase 2B of the multiphased return to full capacity beginning July 20.
  • Hanscom AFB announces transition to RtFC Phase 2B

    Hanscom Air Force Base plans to move into Phase 2B, also known as the “Vigilant phase,” of its multiphase Return to Full Capacity July 20.
  • Arnold AFB test teams maintain mission focus through COVID-19 constraints

    Most teams at Arnold Engineering Development Complex tasked with carrying out work critical to national security, for a period of time, did not have a full complement of personnel on hand.Precautions requiring adherence, such as team members maintaining a proper distance from one another and the use of personal protection equipment when this is not
  • AEDC commander urges continued vigilance throughout Return to Full Capacity

    To illustrate the importance of practicing the appropriate behaviors during the ongoing pandemic, Arnold Engineering Development Complex Commander Col. Jeffrey Geraghty during his June 24 virtual town hall turned the proverbial podium over to a member of Team AEDC to share how COVID-19 impacted her and the loved one who combated it.The employee who
  • MDS continues virtual appointments in Phase 2A

    The 66th Medical Squadron will continue to maximize the use of virtual care during Phase 2A of the multiphase return to full capacity here. Access to the medical clinic will be by appointment only, and members should continue using the Military Health Systems Secure Messaging tool to communicate directly with primary care teams.
  • CDC, School Age programs open for limited care in Phase 2A

    The Hanscom Child Development Center and School Age programs are opening under restricted guidelines during Phase 2A of a phased return to full capacity. Beginning June 22, limited care will be provided for currently-enrolled families who have been identified and verified through the installation crisis action team and signed off by the member’s chain of command.
  • Fitness Center opens with restrictions in Phase 2A

    The Hanscom Fitness and Sports Center will be reopening only to active-duty military and Guard and Reserve members on active duty orders during Phase 2A of the multiphase Return to Full Capacity. Beginning June 22, the Fitness Center will open at 6 a.m., and operate on a 60-minute-on, 30-minute-off rotation for cleaning.
  • MDS offers health, safety tips prior to Phase 2A

    Officials from the 66th Medical Squadron offer multiple health and safety tips to employees as the installation enters into the next phase of COVID-19 operations. The installation commander announced that Hanscom will transition into Phase 2A, also known as the “Cautious Phase,” of the multiphase Return to Full Capacity, June 22.

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