May 1, 2023 Integrated legal team supports global AFIMSC, DAF mission The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Judge Advocate Office delivers timely, accurate and proactive legal advice and counsel across AFIMSC’s global mission.
Nov. 8, 2021 AFSC Staff Judge Advocate releases 2021 Holiday Season Ethics Guide ahead of festivities The five-page document gives summaries of the DoD Standards of Conduct rules related to holiday displays, open houses, parties, receptions, and gift giving between AFSC military and civilian employees, contractors and the community hosts and can be used as a quick-reference resource.
May 30, 2019 Hill Airmen participate in contracting-focused field exercise Airmen from the Contracting Directorate, 75th Comptroller Squadron and 75th Judge Advocate participated in the field exercise. They joined in regular military drills and simulations, such as donning their chemical gear, self-aid buddy care and care under fire, but also responded to training