Nov. 15, 2021 Air Force Marathon expands military discount to veterans, military service members for 2022 registration WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The 2022 Air Force Marathon is gearing up for registration on Jan. 1 with the new year arriving.Along with active duty, reservists, and National Guard members, discounts will be also offered to veterans and members of the ROTC. All who qualify will be offered
April 25, 2020 Recruiting goes digital with Air Force Commission and Enlistment Portal With the digital world as the primary option for reaching recruits during the COVID-19 pandemic, AFRS has created a digital means to shorten the time for potential new recruits to digitally upload their information on the path to joining the Air Force.
March 18, 2020 Goldfein emphasizes protecting force from COVID-19 while fulfilling all missions, operational priorities Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein said March 18 there have been seven confirmed cases of the new coronavirus to date among active-duty personnel, but that the Air Force is “still conducting global missions … which is priority one.”
Jan. 2, 2020 Air Force Aid Society Education Grant Program opens for upcoming academic year The General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant program dates back to 1988. Since the program’s inception, 111,654 students have received more than $172 million in education assistance through grants ranging from $500 to $4,000 based on need.
Dec. 30, 2019 Leaders from across the Air Force gather to discuss force development advancement Airmen from all major commands, joined stakeholders from Headquarters Air Force, the U.S. Air Force Academy, Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability and the Air National Guard to collaborate on force development efforts within their respective areas and across the Air Force.
Sept. 7, 2018 Researchers study factors influencing Airmen’s tobacco use during technical training The Air Force strictly regulates tobacco use during basic and technical training, but some Airmen still use it. Air Force researchers are working with the University of Virginia to uncover why Airmen use tobacco.
Aug. 13, 2018 AFAS to award more than $6 million in annual grants, scholarships The Air Force Aid Society will award more than $6 million in Gen. Henry Hap Arnold education grants and AFAS merit scholarships to the dependents of active duty and retired Airmen.