Aug. 16, 2022 DoD releases first departmentwide social media policy The Defense Department released a policy that spells out how DoD military and civilian personnel should use official social media accounts to best advance the mission of the U.S. military and further instill trust in the credibility of the DoD.
March 8, 2022 Mil-to-mil couples gain time to make separation decision after childbirth Caregiver separation and childbirth separation give both parents more time to learn how to balance family and career before making a decision to separate.
July 7, 2021 Air Force releases cardio and strength fitness assessment alternatives, new online capabilities The Air Force will provide Airmen five physical fitness assessment alternatives—three for the cardio portion and sit-up components and two for the push-up component of the physical fitness assessment beginning in early 2022.
Aug. 17, 2020 OCP changes go into effect Sept. 1 Stay up to date with current uniform guidance at
May 29, 2020 Final changes to Air Force song announced The announcement by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, completes a two-step process in which male-only references were revised to capture the distinguished service, the high standards, and central role that women play in every facet of the modern United States Air Force.
March 26, 2020 AFMC commander provides COVID-19 mission update Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Commander, Air Force Materiel Command, provides an update to the force on AFMC missions and readiness during COVID-19.
March 18, 2020 Goldfein emphasizes protecting force from COVID-19 while fulfilling all missions, operational priorities Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein said March 18 there have been seven confirmed cases of the new coronavirus to date among active-duty personnel, but that the Air Force is “still conducting global missions … which is priority one.”
Feb. 28, 2020 Goldfein approves changes to Air Force song Goldfein made the announcement about changes to the third verse to more than 2,000 Airmen, industry officials and retirees during a joint appearance with Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright at the Air Force Association's Air Warfare Symposium.
Feb. 27, 2020 Updating our alma mater to celebrate all of us The Air Force chief of staff speaks out on changes to the U.S. Air Force Song.
Aug. 29, 2018 AF leadership provides update on the Air Force Publication Reduction Initiative A year ago, Air Force leadership directed a 24-month review of every Air Force directive publication, and today they announced the elimination of more than 226 publications and almost 4,795 compliance items.