July 5, 2024 AFRL opens International Center at Rice University The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, held a kickoff meeting for the new International Research Innovation in Nanotechnology, or RISING, Center at Rice University in Houston, Texas, May 9.
July 2, 2024 2024 AFRL Commander’s Challenge kicks off; 2 teams entrusted to deliver low-cost solutions by year’s end The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, has handpicked some of its most gifted junior force military members and DOD civilians to develop and deliver low-cost solutions to counter slow-moving, high-altitude aerial targets by the end of 2024.
March 7, 2024 AFRL Biotech Days Summit unites scientific community Air Force Research Laboratory scientists and engineers met with strategic partners from the Department of Defense, other U.S. government agencies, academia, industry and state organizations to share progress and collaborate at the third AFRL Biotech Days Summit Feb. 27-28, 2024, at Wright-State
Dec. 1, 2022 AFRL accepting applications for fully funded graduate internship program The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, is accepting applications now through Jan. 20, 2023, for a fully funded, world-class graduate student internship program here. Applicants must U.S. citizens who are currently enrolled full-time in a graduate-level Master of Science or Ph.D. program at an
Nov. 28, 2022 AFRL teams with industry to expand alternative natural rubber supply The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, launched a multimillion-dollar, multiyear program with BioMADE, Farmed Materials and The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 2022 to develop a domestic source of natural rubber from a specific species of dandelion.
Nov. 18, 2022 AFRL enhances Computed Tomography Lab with state-of-the-art infrastructure, imaging capabilities The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, hosted an official tour of its recently renovated Computed Tomography Laboratory Nov. 9, 2022.
Nov. 17, 2022 AFRL’s Additive Manufacturing Laboratory celebrates newly renovated facility, addition of custom 3D-printing system The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony Nov. 9, 2022, to celebrate the reopening of its recently renovated Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, as well as the installation of a novel 3D-printing system for aerospace-grade materials.
Aug. 19, 2022 Deputy Secretary of Defense visits Air Force Research Laboratory Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks traveled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Aug. 17, 2022, where she visited an Air Force Research Laboratory thermal materials testing facility and was briefed on key areas including counter-directed energy weapons development, opportunities and
May 26, 2022 AFRL sponsorship recipient wins NASA space manufacturing contract Air Force Research Laboratory research sponsorship recipient, United Semiconductors, LLC (USLLC), is one of eight companies selected to work on a three-year $21 million NASA contract to manufacture tools in space.
May 9, 2022 AFRL executive director highlights current role, approach to problem-solving, hobbies in Lab Life podcast Tim Sakulich, executive director of the Air Force Research Laboratory, is the featured guest on AFRL’s “Lab Life” podcast, which is now available.