Dec. 13, 2022 AFRL, AFTC collaborate on future technology via weeklong autonomy summit Leaders and personnel from Air Force Materiel Command organizations collaborated virtually during the fall Air Force Research Laboratory-Air Force Test Center, or AFRL-AFTC, Summit Nov. 14-18, 2022, to discuss the future of autonomy.
Feb. 2, 2022 Summit aims to get warfighters “ready to go fast” Leaders and personnel from Air Force Materiel Command organizations collaborated virtually during the quarterly Air Force Test Center–Air Force Research Laboratory Summit January 24-28 with the goal of improving technology and capability delivery times to the warfighter.
Oct. 21, 2021 AFTC Commander learns more about the AEDC mission This month, Maj. Gen. Evan Dertien made his first visit to Arnold Air Force Base since taking on his latest role as the commander of the Air Force Test Center.During his two-day stop, Dertien had the opportunity to see many of the test facilities on base and speak with experts in each of the mission