Jan. 4, 2024 AFRL announces record-breaking FY23 small business awards during Small Business Summit Significant funding growth in fiscal year 2023 Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, contract awards to the small business sector was announced during the lab’s first enterprise-wide Small Business Summit.
Feb. 23, 2023 AFRL establishes one-stop shop for partnerships The Air Force Research Laboratory established a new Strategic Partnering Directorate, or AFRL/SP, to achieve greater alignment, effectiveness and efficiencies in supporting partnership priorities across the Department of the Air Force’s science and technology, or S&T, enterprise.
Aug. 19, 2022 Deputy Secretary of Defense visits Air Force Research Laboratory Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks traveled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Aug. 17, 2022, where she visited an Air Force Research Laboratory thermal materials testing facility and was briefed on key areas including counter-directed energy weapons development, opportunities and