Sept. 8, 2023 Acquisition Program Is Talent Pipeline to Prepare Students for DOD Civilian Careers The new Defense Civilian Training Corps pilot program provides 100% tuition scholarships and monthly stipends to prepare undergraduate students for a direct path into the DOD's acquisition-related civilian careers.
Aug. 10, 2023 DOD Makes Tax-Free Dependent Care Spending Accounts Available to Service Members The DOD is making it easier for eligible military families to have money from their paychecks diverted to an account that can be used to pay for dependent care services.
Aug. 1, 2023 Executive Order Changes How Military Handles Sexual Assaults The president signed an executive order that changes how some crimes — including sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and murder — are handled within the military justice system.
June 26, 2023 DOD issues Exceptional Family Member Program policy The Defense Department issued its own Exceptional Family Member Program, a move that ensures consistency across the services for military families with special needs.
May 24, 2023 Back on Track: DOD Fellowship Guides Military Spouse's Workforce Return For military spouses, finding employment can be difficult and daunting, especially after a big move. Thankfully, a new program placing military spouses into fellowships is already reaping dividends.
Jan. 5, 2023 DOD releases memo expanding Military Parental Leave Program The Defense Department has released guidelines for the expansion of the military parental leave policy.
Dec. 26, 2022 President signs National Defense Authorization Act into law President Joe Biden has signed the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act into law, allotting $816.7 billion to the Defense Department.
Dec. 15, 2022 In New Year, BAH Rates Will Increase By Average of 12.1% The significant increase in average basic allowance for housing rates for 2023 reflects the unique market conditions experienced across many locations nationwide over the past year, the Pentagon press secretary said.