Aug. 31, 2022 Global College of PME now taking new officer distance learning enrollments The distance learning programs for Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College and Air War College have been closed for enrollments and graduations since July 7, 2022, in support of the Air University-wide transition to the new Learner Environment Design-Student Information System.
Sept. 16, 2020 Barnes Center remodels CLC, builds new courses for senior enlisted To provide senior enlisted leaders with more targeted development, the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education at Air University is reshaping the CLC and offering two additional courses for select students.
Aug. 2, 2020 Air Force removes administrative burden, allows pregnant, postpartum women to attend PME Pregnant and postpartum members may now attend professional military education without an exception to policy, and are also exempt from the requirement to have a passing fitness assessment prior to attending.