Sept. 4, 2024 USecAF, DAF senior leaders, congressional staff delegation visit Malmstrom AFB Gen. Duke Z. Richardson, AFMC Commander, joined Under Secretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton, DAF senior leaders and a Congressional staff delegation on a visit to Malmstrom AFB to better understand current missions and operations and to emphasize the strategic importance of ongoing nuclear
Aug. 16, 2024 Sentinel: The History of the DAF Modernizing the Backbone of America’s National Security The U.S. Air Force is replacing the 54-year-old LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM weapon system with the LGM-35A Sentinel ICBM. Upgrading to Sentinel ICBMs ensures the land-based leg of America's Nuclear Triad remains safe, secure and effective.
July 8, 2024 Department of Defense announces results of Sentinel Nunn-McCurdy Review On Jan. 18, 2024, the Air Force notified Congress that the Sentinel program exceeded its baseline cost projections, resulting in a critical breach under the Nunn-McCurdy statute.
Nov. 28, 2023 AFGSC Director of ICBM Modernization discusses “monumental” Sentinel Program at Joint Engineers Conference Brig. Gen. Colin J. Connor, Air Force Global Strike Command Director of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Modernization, recently highlighted the future of the LGM-35A Sentinel during the annual Joint Engineers Conference in Helena, Montana.
April 5, 2022 Air Force’s new intercontinental ballistic missile system has a name: Sentinel Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall approved the designation for the system that modernizes the ICBM leg of the Nation’s nuclear triad.
Feb. 19, 2021 Air Force releases environmental study on Ground Based Strategic Deterrent ICBM recapitalization Test Program The Air Force proposes to modernize the land-based leg of the nuclear triad, recapitalizing its ICBM fleet while upgrading the weapon system technology, supporting infrastructure, and command and control functions.
June 2, 2020 309th Missile Maintenance Group keeps 'big stick' on alert through the pandemic Being in charge of keeping two-thirds of the nuclear triad operational is no small feat and for the 309th Missile Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base, one they pride themselves on no matter what the obstacle.
June 30, 2017 Focus on Defense: Sustaining the nuclear triad The 2017 Focus on Defense Symposium was held June 21st at the Ogden Eccles Center and was co-hosted by the Air Force Sustainment Center and Utah Air Force Association.
June 26, 2017 ICBM Country: Ogden Air Logistics Complex restoring Air Force’s nuclear launch facilities Editor's Note: Hill Air Force Base units are helping ensure the nuclear triad remains an effective strategic deterrent now and into the future. This is the first in a two-part series.For more than 50 years, rural American pastures in the Great Plains have housed a key leg in the air-, land- and