June 6, 2024 DAF leaning forward with PFAS clean-up plan Armed with data from nearly 10 years of investigation and response to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance, or PFAS, releases at its installations, the Department of the Air Force is rolling new regulatory standards into its ongoing plan to address PFAS risks.
April 5, 2024 Fluorine-free foam flows to Air Force bases as DoD removes PFAS from firefighting activities Department of the Air Force installation fire departments are replacing current stocks of aqueous film forming foam, or AFFF, in fire and emergency services vehicles with a fluorine-free formulation as part of a Defense Department-wide effort to remove PFAS from firefighting activities.
March 3, 2023 Air Force to eliminate PFAS-containing foam from hangar fire suppression systems The Department of the Air Force is on track to be the first service to meet the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act requirement to shut down all hangar fire suppression systems that dispense Aqueous Film Forming Foam.
June 21, 2018 New firefighting foam protects Airmen, environment The transition to an environmentally responsible firefighting foam at King Salmon Air Force Station, Alaska, on June 14 marked the completion of the Air Force’s move to replace legacy foam in fire vehicles and stockpiles across the service.