Jan. 11, 2018 Viewpoints: Mentors can help shape career outlook, resiliency My mom was the first woman to go to college in the family, and I’m fortunate enough to be the first generation able to set a course for my career, rather than having the course set by the circumstances. It can be a little challenging, not having family members to ask for career-specific guidance.
Jan. 11, 2018 Viewpoints: All because of my mentors The words, ‘U.S. Air Force’ are sewn into my jacket that I wear every day, because of my mentors. Each stage of life requires role models to help you along the way, and it is no different in the professional world. In 8th grade, I went to Colorado on a family vacation, and my parents took me to see
Jan. 11, 2018 Viewpoints: New environment brings chances for career collaboration, mentoring When I started my career as a Palace Acquire intern in the Human Resources field, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My first day -- more realistically my first couple of months -- was a culture shock. I knew nothing about the federal civilian world or military protocols and procedures.
Jan. 11, 2018 Viewpoints: Mentors provide guidance, expectations amid new Air Force experiences I started with the Air Force as a Palace Acquire intern roughly 18 months ago. Adjusting to the Air Force culture has been exciting, but challenging. There is so much to learn and remember, such as the many protocols, the vast number of acronyms, and even just navigating the two areas that make up
Jan. 11, 2018 Viewpoints: Mentors can come by way of networks, shared advice The importance of having a good mentor cannot be understated. Every career development plan tells you to find a mentor to help you grow. But oftentimes, when we talk about mentoring, it seems like we picture having one mentor who is senior to show you the ropes.