Oct. 7, 2022 DAF adds additional financial incentives to recruit Child and Youth Program employees Effective Oct. 1, DAF Child Development Program direct-care employees will receive a 100% childcare fee waiver for their first child enrolled in installation Child Development Programs.
Dec. 14, 2020 Civilian Talent Acquisition essential to accelerate change for Air, Space Forces The Air Force chief of staff’s direction of accelerate change or lose and the accompanying action orders, outline why and how the service must rapidly change in order to remain the most dominant and respected Air Force in the world.While technology and modernization are important, the Department of
Jan. 21, 2020 AFMC standardizes on-boarding, civilian acculturation New civilian employees can expect to get on the job faster as a result of a new, standardized Air Force Materiel Command Civilian Acculturation Program. The acculturation program aims to decrease on-boarding time while increasing effectiveness, ultimately setting employees up for success.