Dec. 7, 2021 Sword Athena drives change in maternity uniform accessibility Sword Athena is designed to identify, tackle and present solutions to female and family-centric barriers to readiness using crowd-sourced topics and a Mission Area Working Group model. In response to an outbrief with Air Combat Command commander, Gen. Mark D. Kelly, Sword Athena partnered with Army
May 19, 2021 Why does my kid’s school need to know we are military? Every year my kid’s school asks me – multiple times – if we are military. It doesn’t matter where we live, they always want to know … during registration, enrollment, and mid-semester! Why do they care? Why does it matter? Should I tell them? For the longest time, I answered “No,” because I figured
Oct. 9, 2020 Department of the Air Force family suicide prevention training now available The new online training video, Equipping Family Members to Help Airmen in Distress, aims to build and strengthen relationships and connectedness among family members and loved ones.
Sept. 21, 2020 Air Force improves lactation support for nursing mothers The updated policy, which is effective immediately, increases flexibility with lactation breaks and also mandates access to a refrigerator for the purpose of storing human milk.
Aug. 5, 2020 Air Force improves assignment process for co-parents, considers custody agreements Assignment authorities will now be able to consider requests for an assignment or deferment to a location near their children, even if the co-parents are not married.
April 21, 2020 Donations of masks help Arnold AFB battle coronavirus Donated masks are helping keep members of the Arnold Air Force Base community as safe as possible in the face of the coronavirus threat.Both N95 masks and reusable cloths masks have been donated to the base.Fifty N95 masks were donated to Arnold AFB Fire and Emergency Services, by a retired member
April 17, 2020 Around the Air Force: A New Normal and A Message to Parents Today's look Around the Air Force features Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein addressing Air Force parents about COVID-19 concerns and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright begins a weekly video series, “The New Normal.”
April 10, 2020 Air Force implements options for Exceptional Family Members during pandemic The Exceptional Family Member Program instituted new support to minimize the impact caused by department COVID-19 policies, including the Stop Movement order and social distancing guidelines.
Feb. 24, 2020 Department of the Air Force to consider military family support measures in future basing decisions The addition of these criteria aims to ensure locations under consideration have sufficient support for the unique needs of military families who relocate frequently.
Jan. 24, 2020 AFMC launches new holistic resiliency effort The Air Force Materiel Command has launched a new initiative that aims to increase unit cohesion and connectedness by emphasizing a culture that holistically builds mental, physical, social and spiritual fitness across the enterprise. Driven by the Air Force Resilience Tactical Pause held in fall