June 21, 2021 AEDC expands footprint from coast-to-coast over past 24 years Since Arnold Engineering Development Center, now Complex, was dedicated in 1951 in middle Tennessee, the organization has grown to include many units, spanning the country from Maryland to California with many points in between. Most of the units and organizations were formed prior to joining AEDC
June 9, 2021 SOAR Keeps Teens’ Mental Health at the Forefront Air Force Test Center’s Christeen Greenwell, Tech. Sgt. Janna Ybarra, and Ariel Eishen came together to create the Support Outreach Action Resilience (SOAR) Program, for teens at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., to encourage social interaction and create a peer-to-peer support system with the goal of
May 24, 2021 Test Center champions professional development summit Over 160 AFTC Airmen from AEDC, Eglin, and Edwards AFB tuned in to learn more about Test and its strategic importance to National defense.
May 3, 2021 AEDC supporting Golden Horde testing The 586th Flight Test Squadron, Detachment 1, a unit of the 704th Test Group of Arnold Engineering Development Complex, is currently supporting one of the Air Force Vanguard programs – Golden Horde.Vanguards, part of the Air Force 2030 Science and Technology Strategy, are focused on advancing
March 15, 2021 AEDC adds large-scale mass flow assembly calibration to test capability offering The Arnold Engineering Development Complex team stood up a new capability in the 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn. – hardware calibration for engine inlet testing.An Aerodynamics Test Branch customer needed to calibrate their mass flow assembly, or MFA, for an upcoming
March 12, 2021 KC-46 conducts flight tests with E-4B An E-4B assigned to Eighth Air Force from Offut Air Force Base, Nebraska, conducted flight tests with the KC-46 Pegasus at Edwards Air Force Base, California, in February. (Air Force video by Giancarlo Casem)
March 1, 2021 Propulsion Test Branch propels aircraft engine tech into the future The Propulsion Test Branch within the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Test Division tests the powerhouses of U.S. military aircraft and missiles to prove their worthiness for the warfighter.“Our mission is to provide decision makers actionable data through safe, efficient and unbiased test
Feb. 17, 2021 “Jolly Green II” lands at Edwards for flight tests Crews off-load from two HH-60W “Jolly Green II” combat rescue helicopters at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 17. The HH-60Ws arrived from Eglin AFB, Florida, to conduct flight test operations. (Air Force photo by Giancarlo Casem)
Feb. 11, 2021 Edwards AFB conducts Space Force Transfer Ceremony The 412th Test Wing hosted a ceremony for 17 Airmen who have transferred as Guardians in the Space Force at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 11.
Jan. 26, 2021 AEDC 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel restored to operational status On Jan. 21, 2021, the multi-year efforts of many yielded the desired results with a successful air-on test run in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 16-foot supersonic wind tunnel, or 16S, and return to service of the test facility.“Wind Tunnel 16S will provide the nation a significant