March 19, 2020 AETC issues official COVID-19 mission essential training determination, authorizes travel Per the memorandum, Webb stated AETC will continue to: "recruit and access Airmen; train candidates and enlistees in Officer Training School, ROTC and basic military training; develop Airmen in technical and flying training; and deliver advanced academic education such as the School of Advanced Air
Feb. 13, 2020 Air Force extends 20E6 promotion testing window for 18 AFSCs The Air Force’s Personnel Center made the decision to extend the testing window following discovery that 18 Specialty Knowledge Tests were unaccounted for. These tests were mailed to an installation test control office but, to date, have not been received within the expected delivery window.
Nov. 25, 2019 Air Force releases 2019 chief master sergeant promotion cycle statistics This was the first senior noncommissioned officer promotion cycle in which the promotion board focused strictly on performance as the Air Force eliminated the requirements for promotion testing and points for decorations this past January.
Nov. 21, 2019 Civilian Developmental Education, Civilian Strategic Leader Program application window to open Jan. 13 Eligible Air Force civilians will use MyVECTOR to apply for Civilian Developmental Education for the 2021 academic year; and Civilian Strategic Leader and the Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program assignments for the 2021 fiscal year.
Oct. 30, 2019 Air Force announces NCO Career Status Program for Airmen with 12 years of service The change will eliminate the need for Airmen who have 12 or more years of service to continue to reenlist by aligning their separation dates with their high year of tenure dates.
Sept. 18, 2019 Air Force fields new hiring process for new first sergeants The Air Force has removed the first sergeant from Developmental Special Duty and implemented a new hiring process for new first sergeants.
July 24, 2019 AFMC Airman named one of the 12 Outstanding Airmen of 2019 An Air Force selection board at the Air Force’s Personnel Center considered 36 nominees who represented major commands, direct reporting units, field operating agencies and Headquarters Air Force. The board selected the 12 Airmen based on superior leadership, job performance and personal
June 17, 2019 Premier College Interns immerse into Air Force mission The 2019 Premier College Intern Program is a 12-week paid intern program is designed to attract full-time college students who are seeking a career in Air Force Civilian Service. Many interns transition into the PALACE Acquire or Copper Cap program(s) after completing their respective degree.
April 16, 2019 Air Force Civilian Service seeks talent through virtual hiring events Air Force Materiel Command, in conjunction with the Air Force Civilian Service’s Talent Acquisition Division at the Air Force’s Personnel Center, held an online virtual hiring event April 10 to fill vacancies across the command footprint.
March 27, 2019 AFPC hosts Squadron Commander Course After a six-year hiatus, the course was reinstituted in January and redesigned to provide new and sitting squadron commanders a first-hand opportunity to learn about key issues and processes about AFPC’s key programs and processes for talent management and care for Airmen and families.