Aug. 10, 2020 AFMC to host Agile Patriot professional development opportunity The Air Force Materiel Command will hold the inaugural Agile Patriot professional development virtual conference, Nov. 2-6, 2020, to provide mid-tier Airmen and civilians with the tools and training to be successful leaders as they progress into the future.
July 31, 2020 Department of the Air Force stands up Task Force to combat interpersonal violence Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett appointed Brig. Gen. April Vogel, the director for manpower, personnel, recruiting and services at the National Guard Bureau, to lead the task force, which will support members of the Air Force and Space Force.
July 23, 2020 All hazards approach: 78th CES Emergency Management Flight prepares for disaster response Team Robins is no stranger to training. The 78th Civil Engineer Squadron Emergency Management Flight provides essential training that helps build the framework for a prepared base and community.
July 21, 2020 Virtual orientation prepares new leaders for success More than 50 first-time commanders and civilian materiel leaders were prepped for success during the first virtual Air Force Materiel Command Squadron Leader Orientation, July 7-17. The event, held for the first time ever in a completely online format, included briefings on AFMC and subordinate
July 2, 2020 AFCEC leads hurricane season preparedness With a projected record-setting hurricane season in the making, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Readiness Directorate is once again urging the Air Force community to “be ready” for natural disasters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts the 2020 Atlantic hurricane
June 2, 2020 309th Missile Maintenance Group keeps 'big stick' on alert through the pandemic Being in charge of keeping two-thirds of the nuclear triad operational is no small feat and for the 309th Missile Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base, one they pride themselves on no matter what the obstacle.
May 21, 2020 AFRL quick-response testing aids COVID-19 medical transport WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The Air Force Research Laboratory 711th Human Performance Wing Biodynamics team is playing a vital role in the COVID-19 relief effort through testing to enable the safe transport of individuals affected by infectious diseases and biological agents.At the
May 21, 2020 Hill AFB F-35 maintainers speed egress inspection and servicing HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Maintainers here are helping aircraft availability numbers by decreasing downtime in the process for inspecting and servicing F-35A Lightning II seats.388th Maintenance Group Airman Staff Sgt. Cameron Westin and 419th Maintenance Group Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Westover, an Air
April 23, 2020 $6.4 billion contingency support contract increases field assistance The Air Force recently awarded an eight-year, $6.4 billion contingency support contract to eight firms. The Air Force Contract Augmentation Program, or AFCAP, is a rapid response contingency contract tool managed and serviced through the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center enterprise.
April 17, 2020 AFMC mission operational under ‘new norm’ With a focus on high priority, critical operational needs and ensuring the health and safety of Airmen, the Air Force Materiel Command continues to maintain support to the Air Force across all mission areas in the face of COVID-19.