March 1, 2017 AFMC Repair Network Integration program delivers service-wide benefits of aircraft readiness, improved supply WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Air Force Materiel Command’s goal of increasing the Air Force’s agility recently reaped another success when a Headquarters AFMC-led program yielded increased aircraft readiness and improved supply availability.The Repair Network Integration, or RNI, program,
Feb. 1, 2017 Benefield Anechoic Facility hosts B-52 for HERO testing A B-52 Stratofortress from the 96th Bomb Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, is undergoing Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance testing in the Benefield Anechoic Facility. The test was requested by the B-52 Program Office at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, to comply with