Aug. 29, 2018 AF leadership provides update on the Air Force Publication Reduction Initiative A year ago, Air Force leadership directed a 24-month review of every Air Force directive publication, and today they announced the elimination of more than 226 publications and almost 4,795 compliance items.
Jan. 30, 2018 Mentoring: Making a difference When I was a student at National War College, I had the privilege to lead a group of 30 senior leaders to mentor youth weekly at an elementary school in downtown Washington, D.C. It was a great experience as we tackled math, science, and reading. However, what was more significant was the mentoring
Jan. 15, 2018 Commander's Log: AFMC highlights mentoring in 2018 What is one thing that Steve Jobs, Benjamin E. Mays, Maya Angelou and Luther Powell all have in common? All of them were mentors to individuals who accomplished great things in the world. Mr. Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg, Mr. Mays mentored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ms. Angelou mentored Oprah
Jan. 11, 2018 Combat planning and mentoring? Really! Outside, the temperature was hovering around 100 degrees and the concrete scintillated under the noon sun. Inside the state-of-the-art hardened aircraft shelters, maintainers steadfastly ensured the aircraft was clear of all discrepancies from the previous day’s combat. Across the flight line, bombs