July 26, 2018 AF tests in-flight respiratory monitoring To lower risks of in-flight breathing issues and protect the health and performance of aircrew, Air Force researchers rely on innovative technology to deliver advanced respiratory monitoring, without the added weight.Researchers with the 711th Human Performance Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force
July 20, 2018 Record number attend 13th annual Dayton Defense Wright Dialogue with Industry DAYTON, Ohio – More than 600 people registered to attend the 13th annual Dayton Defense Wright Dialogue with Industry (WDI) at the Dayton Convention Center July 17-19, making this year’s event between the Air Force Research Laboratory and defense contractors the largest to date.The
June 8, 2017 Young Commander’s Challenge team develops multi-layered drone defense HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Junior engineers and program managers here designed a developmental layered base defense system capable of warding off or destroying suspicious unmanned aerial vehicles as part of the Air Force Research Laboratory 2016 Commander’s Challenge.A team of six Hanscom
Aug. 31, 2016 AF lab investigating microscopic crack formation in aircraft The B-52 is one of the oldest legacy aircraft in the Air Force. Since the 1950s, this aircraft has led the force in its dominance as the world’s best. However, just as humans begin to age, so do aircraft. Repeated loading and unloading, changes in air pressure, exposure to altitude and more,