Feb. 21, 2023 Voting open now for Department of the Air Force Spark Tank 2023 finalists Airmen and Guardians may now vote for one of the top six selected ideas in Spark Tank, the Department of the Air Force’s capstone innovation campaign.
Feb. 15, 2023 Sparking Innovation: 412 MXG's Advanced Manufacturing 3D Scanner The road to Spark Tank 2023 continues! The Airmen Pitch Process gives Units, Squadrons and Groups the chance to think of the next great innovative idea within their program.
Jan. 27, 2023 Sparking Innovation: Parasim, the Upgraded Free Fall Simulator The road to Spark Tank 2023 begins! This means the 412th Test Wing Innovation team, SparkED, has begun the FY23 Airmen Pitch Process. The Airmen Pitch Process gives Units, Squadrons and Groups the chance to think of the next great innovative idea that sparks change for the better within their
Nov. 30, 2022 Department of the Air Force announces Spark Tank 2023 semifinalists The sixth annual Spark Tank 2023, or ST23, quarterfinals were held Nov. 9, 2022, at the Basic Research Innovation and Collaboration Center in Arlington, Virginia, with the top 15 ideas selected to advance to semifinals.
Oct. 25, 2022 Dreams to virtual realities Virtual reality is known for its entertainment purposes, but what if it can be utilized to develop Air Force personnel through on-the-job learning? This idea was presented at the 2023 Air Force Materiel Command Spark Tank event, which provided Airmen and Guardians an opportunity to pitch innovative
Oct. 25, 2022 Two men, one remote Tech. Sgt. Geoffrey Gilmer and civilian employee, Brian Warren, collaborated to develop the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotics Universal Remote, one of two proposals selected to advance to the Air Force-level of the Spark Tank competition.
Oct. 13, 2022 2023 AFMC Spark Tank finalists announced With strong competition from over 20 innovative Airmen submissions turned to five semi-finalists, the Air Force Materiel Command named its 2023 Spark Tank finalists, Oct. 6.
Aug. 29, 2022 Spark Tank voting open now Air Force Materiel Command personnel now have the opportunity to weigh-in on the top AFMC ideas submitted to complete for a spot in the 2023 Air Force Spark Tank competition.
July 12, 2022 AEDC Spark Tank: Simulator allows for quicker identification of equipment issues The ability to recognize a problem early can save time, money and a lot of headaches.This is the purpose behind the Condition-Based Maintenance Fault Simulator, a tool that will soon be available to personnel at Arnold Air Force Base, the headquarters of Arnold Engineering Development Complex.The
July 11, 2022 Ask-Me-Anything sessions set to demystify Spark Tank process The Air Force Materiel Command Commanders Accelerated Initiatives team will host a series of virtual “Ask-Me-Anything” events on Microsoft Teams throughout the month of July.