Sept. 30, 2022 AFMC Civilians secure development spots for Academic Year 23 Air Force Materiel Command civilian Airmen continue to broaden their professional aptitude, with more than 650 individuals selected for Civilian Development program opportunities in Academic Year 23.
Jan. 3, 2022 Civilian Developmental Education primes leaders for the future Applications for Academic Year 23 of Civilian Developmental Education open on Jan. 18, 2022, and the time is now to start preparing applications.
Sept. 15, 2021 AFMC civilians selected for Civilian Developmental Education opportunities Nearly 600 Air Force Materiel Command Civilian Airmen were selected for Academic Year 2022 Civilian Developmental Education opportunities, filling 45% of the total Air Force program allocations for the academic year.
Feb. 16, 2021 Ready to level up? DAF offers civilians various academic programs to earn degree Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas -- In addition to the Civilian Tuition Assistance Program, the Department of the Air Force offers three academic programs for Air Force and Space Force civilians to enhance their level of education. The programs are the Civilian Associate Degree Program, the
Jan. 18, 2021 Civilian Developmental Education key to leadership, growth Ensuring civilian Airmen are prepared to fulfill and excel in leadership positions across the command is the driving force behind the dedicated effort by Air Force Materiel Command leaders to encourage employees to apply for upcoming Civilian Development Education opportunities.
Dec. 18, 2020 Civilian Developmental Education offers scores of opportunities WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio (AFLCMC) – The new season of Civilian Developmental Education nominations is fast approaching to offer civilian employees opportunities for professional development, academic fellowships and leadership seminars – all free of charge. A full list of the centrally-managed,
Nov. 21, 2019 Civilian Developmental Education, Civilian Strategic Leader Program application window to open Jan. 13 Eligible Air Force civilians will use MyVECTOR to apply for Civilian Developmental Education for the 2021 academic year; and Civilian Strategic Leader and the Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program assignments for the 2021 fiscal year.
Nov. 6, 2019 AFMC civilian Airmen excel in CDE Academic Year 2020 application cycle More than 735 Air Force Materiel Command Civilian Airmen were selected for Academic Year 2020 Civilian Developmental Education opportunities, filling nearly 49% of the Air Force program allocations for the academic year.
Feb. 4, 2019 Civilian Developmental Education offers opportunities to learn, grow The Air Force Civilian Developmental Education program is a portfolio of courses and training designed to address the developmental needs of the civilian workforce at all levels. Programs help civilians to achieve short or long term goals at a level appropriate to their needs and desired path of