Jan. 24, 2020 AFMC launches new holistic resiliency effort The Air Force Materiel Command has launched a new initiative that aims to increase unit cohesion and connectedness by emphasizing a culture that holistically builds mental, physical, social and spiritual fitness across the enterprise. Driven by the Air Force Resilience Tactical Pause held in fall
Dec. 11, 2019 Florida resilience chief gets look at Tyndall rebuild Florida’s first Chief Resilience Officer Dr. Julia Nesheiwat visited Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, to see first-hand the Tyndall Program Management Office’s plans to develop and rebuild a resilient “Installation of the Future.” The main responsibility of the CRO is to prepare Florida for the
Dec. 7, 2019 Resiliency, drive keeps Airman focused on future goals Natural disasters and civil war: two life-altering events that would equate to monumental challenges for almost anyone. But for 23-year-old Team Edwards member Senior Airman Prince Jarbo, not only did he fight through those challenges, but he has also thrived and saw those events as opportunities to
Sept. 13, 2019 Wright-Patt takes strides to remember cost of 9/11 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Community members and active duty personnel of all branches, ages, and ranks ran to commemorate the attacks that level all Americans to the same heartbreak and pride for the heroes who sacrificed most for it.Nine-hundred runners and walkers gathered in Area B
Sept. 10, 2019 Edwards takes tactical pause for resiliency The Resilience Tactical Pause is an ongoing opportunity for leaders at all levels to respond to the matter of suicide. The current trend of suicides in the Air Force have surpassed last year’s numbers at the same point in the year. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. David Goldfein, asked
Sept. 5, 2019 Against all odds: Air Force family overcomes adversity The Giles were presented with a spectrum of possibilities of outcomes for their tiny newborn daughter. They finally were able to determine she had suffered a brain hemorrhage and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP). The Giles were faced with a future of uncertainties for the health and wellbeing
Aug. 23, 2019 Wounded warrior talks resiliency during tactical pause HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – A senior noncommissioned officer haunted for years by the grizzly images of a disastrous aircraft crash shared his personal story of resilience and recovery with Airmen during a training session at the base theater here, Aug. 22.In the wake of Chief of Staff of the
Aug. 19, 2019 Arnold engineer recounts how he overcame homelessness Although Robert Duff is still settling into his new job at Arnold Air Force Base, he is eager to see what opportunities await him.“I’m really excited to start wrapping my mind around new challenges,” he said. “It excites me and inspires me.”Taking on challenges is nothing new for Duff.During the two
June 26, 2019 Leadership, teamwork, community service in abundance at MYOY Summit SAN ANTONIO – Twenty eight of the Air Force’s best and brightest youth came to south Texas June 17-21 as part of the 2019 Air Force Installation Military Youth of the Year Summit.Some came with installation MYoY wins, others with both installation and state titles, but all possessed strong qualities
June 14, 2019 Running with faith: an Airman’s journey to redemption ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Standing there with a knife in hand and cold-hearted from the most devastating news of his life, Master Sgt. Brandan “Troy” Keel contemplated an irreversible decision. Looking into his wife’s eyes after learning she was pregnant with another man’s baby, he couldn’t